Monday, February 9, 2009

ann, unintentionally hilarious

man, i wanna start off by saying i'm one of the biggest ann-margret fans i know. in fact, as far as i know, only jean-lucien digs her as much as i do. that being said, this shot really cracks me up. its not that she looks bad, because she doesn't, she looks incredible, with her hot boots and groovy black sweater-dress thingy. she could've stopped there, and just looked very groovy, but for some reason, she decided to 'goof around' with a belt or something, holding it up to her head like its some kind of 'crown,' and pooching up her lips, 'i'm hot'-style. hey, ann... you don't need to try so hard to get our love. we love you like, 'normal.' i don't really have that much more to say about this one... like, i think it speaks for itself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, more on ann-margret here: