Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ragged fireworks

hey, i'm very glad to say i got some help today from jean-lucien. he sent me a few great duran shots that are very 'horserace-worthy,' if i do say so myself. now, i'm pretty sure i remember having this shot in a pin-up, back when my walls were papered with the blokes. now, there's quite a few things i find remarkable about this shot, so lets just dive in and evaluate, shall we? okay, who's 'bright idea' was it for the lads to pose with 'in-motion' sparklers in the first place? like, did some bonehead photographer just happen to have some hanging around the studio? or did he come up with the concept like, at an earlier time, and thought it was such a groovy idea he went out and bought a bunch of 'em like, just for the photo shoot? i can just hear the guy now, like shouting out, '...okay lads, move those things around! yeah, faster! look alive there, lads! really like, move 'em around!' seems like, lame, when you think of it that way. and hey, i think this might be the only shot of i've ever seen of simon with a cigarette in his hand. i mean, when he knew his picture was being taken. well, i may have seen one other, but i know its like, rare. but i digress... who wins? like, 'looks-and-sexiness'-wise? ummm, roger and andy couldn't be more out, out of the running. john looks like 'hating life' is job #1 at the moment. nick looks like he's just on the brink of falling over backwards, plus, he dorkily has one hand in his pocket... not exactly committing to the whole 'frolicksome pop star' vibe. so, the winner? simon le bon it is. he's got a cute smile going, and i'm a sucker for those 80's black and white horizontal striped shirts. hey, where can i get one?

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