Monday, February 9, 2009

strumbie dreams of 'mice cream'

or something similarly deelish. yes, if my strumbelina was human and therefore capable of logging on to planetcool, she just might gig me real hard in the arm for posting this potentially embarassing shot of her, asleep on a cardboard box in my kitchen area, with her very adorable little pink tongue sticking out! like, a few days ago, i walked over to the sink to rinse out a glass or something, and i looked down, and there she was, snoozing, that tongue very visible-and-cute-to-human-eyes! so i tiptoed over to get my camera, hoping she wouldn't like, yawn and reel that baby back in. but, as you can see, she stayed asleep, and i got her. how cute is that? hey, i think she knows i'm posting about her... she just jumped down from her perch and trotted over to me like, 'whatcha doin'?'-style. hey, until she grows thumbs and the power of human speech, i think i'm in the clear. (click to very adorably enlarge)

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