Wednesday, February 11, 2009

atari baby

i'm not really sure why i'm posting this. well, first of all, i think its pretty. like i dig the illustration, like, the style of it. hey, i can still remember how it felt to handle those cartridges. i remember feeling the thin card of circuts inside those things. i had a 2600, but i don't think i ever owned 'night rider.' first of all, you had to have those weirdo 'paddles' in order to play the damn thing. and jean-lucien and i got our 2600 from a yard sale or something, and it only came with joysticks, so it more or less ended right there; we only bought and used joystick games. but i do remember playing that game somewhere... maybe our dear cousin eric had it. and looking back on it now, as a potentially thrilling 'driving game,' it kind of sucked. like, the 'poll position' at the arcade was always much cooler. in the small town we grew up in, in the early 80's, about the only places you could find video games in public was at the local 'putt-putt golf and games;' at the 'roll-a-rink' skating rink, and at the 'godfather's pizza.' i seem to remember at the pizza place there was a 'centipede,' a 'ms. pac man,' a 'donkey kong,' and maybe one or two others, i don't remember. (... 'galaga?' ) i think they had a jukebox, too. hey, i kind of miss those 'pizza nights.' i wonder if lucynell and jean-lucien and i were ever at those places at the same time, and never even knew it? and hey, my darling 'atarieyes!' i wonder if you were ever there, too.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

At Godfather's they had Dig Dug, too. We went there every Friday night. I don't know when our Friday pizza nights changed from Peppy's to Godfather's. But they did at some point. I played a lot of Dig Dug, but I was terrible at it.

As always, I owe you a phone call...