Wednesday, February 18, 2009

disco deelish

hello, hot disco lovers! i hope this post will meet with your approval. yes, its the cover of 'playboy' magazine from april, 1980. its not hard to spot the rabbit here; he's made into her silver-tronic diva disco microphone. and um, the rest of the picture speaks for itself, does it not? just for the record, i have no idea who this blazing cool covergirl is, but she really makes it work, the fuschia-violet disco scheme, clothing-wise. her shorts are like, barely there... her top is the elastic-coolest, her boots are the thigh-high most, and that scarf is just the icing on the cakeity-cake! it really does like, personify that queer cusp of fashion between 1979 and 80. so cool... so 'about-to-be-mtv.'

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