Friday, February 20, 2009

legs, man...

yeah, i've never been 'all about' the legs... hey, don't get me wrong, legs are great, and i'm glad i have real long ones, but when it comes to my, shall we say 'lesbie friends' side coming out, i'm much more focused on that magic one-two shot of 'face and boobs.' but we all know there are leg freaks out there. hence, this cool-looking specialty magazine from the 1970's. and, do you know how i know legs are such a distinct freaky kink? because the magazine sells for the 70's-staggering hy-price of four whole american dollars! yeah, pretty steep. but i guess that's the way it was before the holy miraculous internet... if you wanted 'leg shows,' you had to 'pay the price,' you know? so, that being said, i guess the chick is cute enough, i can't really see her face. she does have some sweet ivory leggity-legs, though. and i totally dig those white leatherette strappy high heel shoes she's got on. they just don't make groovy, sturdy, sexy, easy-to-wear-and-run-down-the-street-in shoes like that anymore. and you gotta love her lemon-colored rufflely garter and the pale silk pantees she's stripping off-for-the-cameras. and hey, how sexy is that black ink stamp on the inside of her thigh that makes her look like the nazis are keeping track of her or something? woo-woo! but hey, at least it boasts 'more pages in full color.' dig it.

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