Tuesday, February 17, 2009

french and saunders : opera classics -video

i first saw this many years ago, and thought it was such a dead-on scream i thought i'd post it; partly because its brilliant, and partially because i'm real tired and my picksh stock is running a little lean right now. lucynell, i don't know if you've ever seen this, but if you haven't, i really suggest you take ten minutes and give it a roll. there are like, so many small hilarious moments i can't exactly direct your attention to any one thing in particular. the girls come in at about 1:20, and they sooo remind me, dress-and-attitude-wise, of riche high point women we used to babysit for. (maybe even a little fowler, in a way, if i may be so bold?) so, when you get the time, dig it. i've been watching it for years and its still not old to me. hopefully i'll have more to dig on tomorrow night.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Oh my God, first of all I was laughing right off the bat at Lucia Poop and Renata von Trapp. Hahahaha. And then laughed out loud all the way through! I love them so much and Jennifer did remind me so much of Fowler! So many hilarious, tiny moments (which are my favorites). I love when the title at the bottom says 12 midnight and they still haven't recorded anything. Hahaha. The whole thing was so well played.