Saturday, February 21, 2009

nick rhodes...backstage!

yes, i just stumbled upon this gem whilst i was digging around tonight. and i just decided to post it, just for kicks! it appears to be a shot of the very talented and serious nick rhodes... and judging from the color of his hair and stuff, i'd have to say its getting close to the late 80's... possibly arcadia-era. and from the looks of it, he's backstage, draped in all different crazy manifestations of 'fan love.' i see some kind of linen on his lap with strawberries on it. apparently some fan read somewhere that strawberries were his 'favorite food.' i know, i read that same fan magazine, too. and um, he's got some kind of cellophane-wrapped flower in his mouth. and a damn rug on his head, and some kind of fuzzy cartoon guy hangin' on... but i like this picture because it seems to prove something i've suspected about my darling nick all along... he has a sense of humor. and talent. and those slinky-hot lovely, girlish good looks. so rock on, nick... you were my first 'fave,' and you still have a special place in the 'fan lobe' of my teenaged brain.

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