Friday, March 27, 2009


so, for any of you that were wondering how my day went wednesday, when i went to fulfill my new 'job' obligations? well, paul here can tell you... everything went okay. we worked on putting together a newsletter. (mostly about local 'happenings,' and upcoming 'jazz fests' and stuff like that.) the six-page professional-looking mini-magazine goes out to over 6oo people in the area. we had to print and collate and get ready to mail them, all by hand, just the three of us. actually, i caught myself having fun. we're finishing the job tomorrow. (friday, so i guess that's today.) i did get a few papercuts, but that was really the worst thing about it. and i was home in time to have the cute young Comcast dude hook up my new internet hardware. (that's not a euphemism, that's exactly what happened.) so i'm not dreading going in tomorrow. i've already fixed my hair in my late 60's inward flip. i think paulie would approve of my swinging style. hopefully i'll get back into the habit of posting almost every night, once i get more used to my new schedule, like, 'internal clock'-wise. i love you all. (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Awesome! I had a feeling you would kinda like it.