Wednesday, May 20, 2009

fantasia de laurie lebon

okay, i think i have to take like, 99% credit on this gorgeous little slice of notebook art. this one was made of really no more than four cuttings, and was affixed to a page of one of my handwritten journals a long, long time ago. i think the original measured approximately 4 inches by two and a half, or something like that. but, although its small, it holds like a honeycomb within it; two of my greatest crushes. in the topmost circle, we have the achingly sexy hugh laurie, practically in drag for the mid-90's annie lennox hit video 'walking on broken glass.' underneath that, we have a disc cut of the marvelous simon le bon... not from any specific duran video; but, if i had to make an educated guess, i'd say that it was from sometime around 1983. 'rio'-era. so i hope you dig on it. umm, it really doesn't 'mean' anything, its just meant to look groovy, and to celebrate a couple of great sexy boys. (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Holy crap, that WAS Hugh Laurie in that video!