Sunday, May 24, 2009

life, with love, to lucynell

hey lucynell, i found this shot a month or so ago, and i ran into it tonight, and thought of you. i know you love stuff like this. so dig this vintage shot of a Life magazine cover. it shows a gorgeous flapper-girl, 'going places,' with her flapper-tastic luggage and long stockinged legs. just know i love you lucynell, and i'm keeping you in my prayers. and thanks so much for following 'the planet.' it means a lot to us over here. oh, and please, kiss the Angel for me. he's the luckiest. (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Oh my Gosh, I LOVE HER! I wish I WAS her. Thank-you Alma for the sweet, lovin' shout out. It really made me feel good this AM. I will kiss the Angel's little honey bun face for you. XXOO!