Monday, May 25, 2009

more caption fun

hey, i hope i'm not speaking too soon when i use the word 'fun,' i'm totally gonna 'back into' these. (slang term for setting the premise up first, (this case, the photograph) then once i'm 'locked in;' thinking the 'funny' up afterwards.) this method often produces mixed results. just keep in mind when you read these, that i had like, zero planned for it, caption-wise, until this!
PETE: "...oh crap! the library's actually charging me the 12.95-and-change for that fan book i checked out and stole like, fifteen years ago; '...True: The 'All-True,' Pure 'Gold' Story Of Spandau Ballet,' " subtitled, " '...the Crown Princes Of The New Romantics Tell All!' Oh man, what the hell am i gonna do? I don't have that kind of cash laying around!!"
MIKE: "Hey calm down, Pete... you know the rules in this house... the dude who opens the cable bill pays the cable bill... so I guess you picked the wrong month to add that pay-per-view channel, 'Dudes Soaping Up Other Dudes.' "
WAVE: "...what do you mean, 'deaththreats?' Lemme see... Aw man, how 'out of it' are you? It clearly says right here, 'DeadHeads.' ... man, haven't you ever heard of Jerry Garcia...??"
MICK: " that like, a vial of the guy's blood and a little plastic baggie full of eyelashes and toenails? Hey, i hate to be the one to call 'stalker' on this, but umm, maybe you oughta consider calling that guy back." (p.s. forgive the highly grainy image quality... the whole 'monkees in paris' episode looks like that because it was shot on film instead of videotape.)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Haha! And the name of that Spandau fanbook is fucking hilarious. I wish you would mock up some fanbooks for us to come up with some fake titles.

(when I first tried to write 'titles', I accidentally wrote 'titties' Planetcool commentin' bloopers!)

I'm so tired.