Monday, May 25, 2009

mardi blues

i think its fair to say that jean-lucien would raise an eyebrow if he heard the name 'mardi jacquet.' that's because i know that when he and i were children, we used to lay out all these deelish and sudsy centerfolds accross our hardwood bedroom floor and conduct 'beauty contests.' we read every girl's profile, we even invented voices for them and read out all the 'facts' on their playmate 'data sheet.' therefore, i know that jean-luc and i were relatively 'well-read' on the subject of mardi jacquet. here she is, from the waist up, looking cool and toplessly gorgeous. i should mention that she looks washed in blue light for a reason. well, unfortunately, i had to do that. the original picture i was working with was so underexposed and heavy with browns and rusts that i had no choice but to wash it out a little and 'ramp up' the more sapphire tones. but, all technical lingo aside, miss mardi jacquet is something special... she manages to wear a bolo tie and shimmery blue vest and somehow , she makes it look fantastic. perhaps its the silky, perfect, pear-shaped boobs and cute blonde shimmering bob-style haircut... perhaps its that flawless, glossy, porcelian make-up job... maybe its all of these things rolled together that make this one of my favorite pin-ups. i hope you dig it as much as i do. (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

She doesn't even look real.