Friday, September 25, 2009

cig pants!

hey, if you smoke those vile and deadly cigarettes (which i do, guilty) then you've GOTTA get yourself a pair of of these ultra-dated, groovy looking Cig Pants!.. from the good people at Winston. what better way to let the world know that you 'don't give a damn about' your health OR fashion?! and you've just gotta accent those Cig Pants with some mod shades and a clingy, white, longsleeved top. so, round up your $2.95, clip that coupon, and send away for those pants! nobody will know how diseased your lungs look on the inside, when you look THIS groovy on the outside! i don't smoke Winston's myself. (mmm, as if that matters at all.) hey, it just occurred to me... when Winston ran this promotion all those years ago, they MUST'VE had like, a shitload of these pants already made, and like, ready for the hundreds of redeeming Winston customers. and they must've had them in a variety of sizes and everything. and it would seem almost certain that at least some of those pants still exist today. i wonder who's got them? like, they can't ALL be in a landfill by now, can they? (cut to a shot of a yard sale going up this Sunday. we see a rack old clothes on some lawn cluttered with junk. as the camera pulls in, we see a pair of the Cig Pants hanging next to a faded 'Mork' T-shirt with rainbow sleeves that says, 'Nannoo-Nanoo' : Translation - Is It Friday Yet?' ) (click to enlarge... a lot of the copy should be readable.)


lucynell2 said...

Okay, this is one of my favorite PC entries of all time, for the genius of the pearldive find AND the text. Holy shit, Winston pants? I wanna live in that world aka a time machine world where you could smoke everywhere and wear pants boasting your fave cigs. Oh 70s...

almadora said...

hey, i gotta give all the credit to jean-luc; he's the one that found and tricked the ad.

jean-lucien said...

when i was developing that one and reading the copy i thought: lucy HAS to see this. it was so bizarre to me as an artist that i'm still trying to get my mind around it.

the funniest thing in the entire concept (to me) is the fact that they're going for 2.95. all two ninety five gets you these days is a coke and smile.

Amy said...

You gotta check it out!

Only $159!

lucynell2 said...

Amy, oh my God...