Friday, September 25, 2009

happy birthday mark hamill

okay, this isn't going to be the longest entry. but i just happened to notice it was luke skywalker's 58th birthday. yeah, i know... he's done 'other things,' career-wise, but... c'mon, right? so then i had to go do a quick dive into the cold waters of the Cyberverse for a picture of 'him-as-luke' that i hadn't seen like, 6 million times already. and i think this one is the coolest and rarest one i was able to find in literally like, 14 seconds. i gotta tip my hat to luke, because he's leia's twin brother, you know? its like, he's the jean-luc to my almadora. and he really is great in that movie. in all seriousness, can you imagine anyone else as luke skywalker? i sure can't. and wow, he's 58! i mean, i realize its not that old, but when you've got 'A New Hope' rolling on your high def bluray deev, and you see his skin, that complexion... those flashing youthful turquoise eyes and white teeth... he looks so alive and real its a little odd to think he's almost 60. so happy birthday Luke. and hey, i almost forgot.... may the Force be with you. (click to enlarge)

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