Tuesday, September 22, 2009

jaws chicks!

yeah, i'm gonna try to get a whole boatload of 'jaws' screencaps over the next few weeks... but i've just been so 'into' the 'watching' of the film itself that i haven't wanted to pause it long enough to get a screen capture. but i DID manage to snag this little widescreen gem. its the 'bikini' most! i'm pretty sure this is when the shark is in the pond, and the viewer is made to think its gonna eat one of the Brody kids' boat, but it actually eats some nameless local guy. chomps his leg off. and these sunbathing chicks sit up take notice. mmmm, bikini chicks! i love their long legs, tanned skin, and flowing 1970's style hair. and i also dig the little transistor radio. so i hope you dig the Amity cheesecake. there's not enough cheesecake in that movie. (mmm, like that's what it was 'going for.' ...click to enlarge.)

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