Monday, September 21, 2009

sequin: my groovy new book

yeah, i really wanted to christen a new book tonight, but i didn't really know if i was gonna have the energy to actually conjure it in any kind of groovy way. but, the mood took me, and i have to admit, i'm pleased with the dreamy pinkish result. i don't know if i've ever had the sultry french temptress sylvie vartan on the cover yet. but if not, then she's wayyyy overdue. like, she's a confirmed High Priestess of the Eternal Bisexual Slumber Party. (mmm, i'm so tired and physically wiped out right now, i'm probably gonna read this in the morning and be all like, '...jeez, i hope nobody read that.' but anyway, where was i?) oh yeah, so i decided to depart somewhat from my 'dots across the bottom' formula. i'm pleased with the shapes and splashings of color i ended up with. it seems jussst 'femme' enough for my 'slinky-but-tough' beret-and-cigar miss vartan. i think the picture was taken from one of her several early 70's french tv specials... (which i would KILL to get my hands on a copy of... as long as it would be compatible with my machine... those specials were the 'costume change' most!! ) okay, so who else do we have down there? that pink 'sunset strip' is a scrap i've been holding onto for literally years. then, from left to right, we have a very cool rainbow-glitter steely dan logo, peter tork dressed like a hippy-dippy indian chief, my sweet george harrison, and finally, my darling ian holm, from 'alien,' as the evercool science officer ash.
overall, i'm pleased with it. i don't have any of the inside pages done yet... and nothing stuck on the back... but that'll probably come to me in the morning. until then, dig it! (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

jean-lucien said...

love it!!!!
p.s. (you're sooo good at those, you good)"