Saturday, May 3, 2008

pretty looking rhodes

tonight's featured smoker is the one and only multi-talented mr. nick rhodes. this shot was obviously taken sometime around the 'rio' album. he was so lovely then. i mean, look at those lips... that bone structure! sigh. even after all this time, he makes me sigh. and he's smart, too. i love the way he takes his work seriously. sure, he only plays and writes pop songs, but they're some of the finest and most popular pop songs of our era. i love the 'medazzaland' album, and his spoken-word 'vocals' on the title track. he's really a synthesizer genius, and always manages to look great. plus, he looks happy. i get the feeling he's a man who's lucky enough to have made a handsome living doing what he always wanted to do. kisses, nick. you're the best.

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