Wednesday, June 4, 2008

sweet misteri

here's the back cover, i think... to one of my mate jean-lucien's notebooks. i wish i could accurately cite the month and the year, but we've done so many at this point, i regretfully cannot. but it just goes to illustrate the devotion jean-lucien has to his art. not even the plain black cover of a marbled notebook is safe from his glue and wild inspiration. the main image is the cover to a foreign magazine, i think, which features the david bowie sci-fi film 'the man who fell to earth.' i get the feeling the mag was some sort of foreign 'fangoria.' in any case, i dig it. i love the way these covers tend to acquire nicks and scrapes and accidental characteristics after years of loving use. this one just strikes me as particularly groovy-and-spooky. dig it.

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