Saturday, March 29, 2008


officially, i'm straight. like, at least 80% straight. but i'm secure enough to admire chicks and even admit it when they fall into that 20% threshold of ...maybe? i refer to this 20% as 'the slumber party.' and one chick who's definitely invited to 'the slumber party?' a 'singin' in the rain'-era debbie reynolds. she's like a cocker spaniel with her bright eyes as cute round forehead. and i am NOT calling her a dog. she's just adorable, you know? her flapper number from 'singin' in the rain' where she jumps out of the cake is irresistible. she had the silkiest, cutest underarms in the business. (mmm, i'm gonna hear about that, i assure you.) i urge anyone who digs 'singin' in the rain' to seek out and find a lesser-known musical, 'i love melvin.' it stars debbie and the imcomparable donald o'connor... more about him later. in the meantime, kiss debbie hello.

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