Friday, March 28, 2008

kiss the frog

come to think of it, the fable of the girl kissing a frog and having him turn into a prince may have left a deeper impression on me than i suspected. perhaps the sturdy roots behind my 'ugly is the new cute' movement stemmed from such a story. i don't mind kissing frogs. to put it bluntly, they know how to use their tongues. they keep the air clear of flies and sometimes secrete intoxicating fluids. so here's to all the frogs, and the chivarlous princes within. (and very often i forget where my imagery comes from, but in this case, i know the artist is mr. michael parkes, and the work is called, 'that daring young frog.' if you dig this piece, please google around for more. he's a modern dali-klimt with a bit of maxfield parrish. well worth it.)

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