Monday, March 24, 2008

shakespeare, in love

yeah, i was wondering how much love and sex has been inspired like, historically, because of the works of william shakespeare? hey, i know if it wasn't for him, there are quite a few guys i wouldn't have ended up in bed with. man, actors. strange creatures. in the case of this picture from the mid-to-late 1960's, the handsome romeo with his head in some maiden's lap is none other than a young and lovely ian holm. is he sir ian holm yet? i should probably like, check up on that. wow...he was something. this photo kind of makes me like, 'girl-jealous' hate the girl he's posing with. i find myself having high-school-fight thoughts like, 'who does that bitch think she is??' but seriously, as 'fan-strange' as it sounds, i actually had a pretty long and detailed romatic dream about ian when i accidentally fell asleep after supper this evening whilst watching 'cops.' but my point is, i know there's a lot of sex out there that i would never have been had if it hadn't been for shakespeare, the guys who perform it, and the alliances forged amongst a company... not to mention allll those swinging, chemically-enhanced 'after-parties.' so, here's to william shakespeare, helping guys with limited conversational skills get laid since like, 1500-something.

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