Sunday, April 27, 2008

symphony in orange

i know i'm not alone in mourning the obsele- scence of 12" lp album covers. something about that size, that shape, that perfect square, that feels so ...dare i say... groovy? so jean-lucien and i like to 'pearldive' for interesting album covers. oddly, genre is rarely a factor. cool covers come on classic, jazz, rock, you name it. here's one jean-luc sent me a few days ago. i love it. it gets a little bigger if you click on it. i like the fact that you almost have to look at it twice to get the image: a serviceman kissing a chick in the back of a car. and i love the little peace sign. there must be literally thousands of groovy album covers out there. its like, 'if i was a rich man,' i'd collect as many as i could get my hands on.

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