Sunday, April 27, 2008

ustinov, thirty-something

yes girls, that's a young and gorgeous peter ustinov in the suit. i think he's about 32 in this shot, and just gorgeous. when i think about how tremendously witty and clever he must have been, i know i would've been madly in love with him. i wonder what he smelled like the day this picture was taken. i know he smoked cigarettes, so its a pretty safe bet he smelled from an undercurrent of cigarette smoke. but the cologne and shaving preparations? i will never know. its no wonder i modern guys leave me cold. i never see anyone that looks like this. and i'm pretty sure he was straight, i mean, i've never heard any evidence to the contrary. maybe i'm deviant or psychologically odd, because i can't help but wonder what he was like in bed. his voice alone for me is adequate foreplay. oh well, before i sound too stalky, i guess i should move on.

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