Sunday, August 17, 2008

c is for cigarette ad

mmm, we've come a long way, babies! i am jussst old enough to remember cigarettes being freely advertised in television commericals. since then i've studied advertising, and the psychology at work behind it. (most of it is common sense.) it doesn't take a nobel prize winner to see that they're using sex (or more specifically 'boobs' to sell the naughty-sounding-in-the-first-place Tiparillos.) i think they're leaning on the 'penthouse forum letter' angle on this one. i mean, how many cellists do you know practice and play in an open lacy dress blouse with perfect hair and make-up whilst smoking...? i love it. i really can't tear it apart too harshly, because i just 'burned a Camel' less than an hour ago. i love the ad, though. in another life, i think i must've been a high-powered Ad Man for some slick firm. (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

that bitch is gonna smoke the H outta that ciggie. And she's gwine look gorgeous while doin' it. Float on, viola mama, float on...

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