Saturday, August 23, 2008

f is for ferry

...bryan ferry, that is. i have to admit a little bit of ignorance. for the longest time i thought roxy music were always, and had always been, the lilting pastel fellows i'd seen in such videos as 'angel eyes.' it wasn't until relatively recently, like since the late 90's, that i realized they actually used to be hard... with a power-fueled, slick electric backbone and a sweatsheened, glittery, grinding, crashing, devil-may-care kind of champagne style. thanks to 'this wild machine,' i've been able to dive deep into their arguably better endeavors. i didn't realize what hot stuff i was missing! i used to think of bryan ferry as something of a drowsy, suit-and-tied metronome of man, swaying back and forth, crooning for the 'legend' soundtrack, asking me if my love was strong enough. how wrong i was. i now boast the fullest, most respectful 'hots' for the roxy music frontman, and all his jangling, mugging, gesturing, very glam ways. he has even ceased to remind me (facially) of some dopey ex-boyfriend. i love the early roxy music stuff. i now think he's pretty sexy. but i still can't help but ask myself if jerry hall's southern-fried voice ever got on his nerves.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Virginia Plain, Re-Make/Re-Model...two of my fav songs of all time, let alone Roxy songs. Pearls to find: old pics of Bryan and Jerry Hall.