Friday, August 22, 2008

e is for eli wallach... and eddie izzard

i know i should really give each of these guys their own slots, but i have the strip handy, so... this is a groovy notebook illustration jean-lucien made a long time ago. as old as it is, i still think it scans pretty nicely. lets see now... on the top left is mr. eddie izzard in his role as jerry divine from 'velvet goldmine,' and underneath him is john malkovich as freiderich murnau from the underrated and hilarious 'shadow of the vampire.' and off to the right, on the rockinghorse with the fried chicken in his mouth is the carnal eli wallach in his role as silva vacarro in elia kazan's 'babydoll.' its amazing, these little works of art jean-lucien comes out with. most of them are no bigger than a cigarette lighter or a stick of gum when he scans the originals from his notebook pages. that being said, they blow up pretty good. really groovy stuff. and i can't praise 'babydoll' enough. dig it. (click to enlarge)

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