Friday, August 22, 2008

e is for 'epro' : beck - video

i know my friend lucynell has been a fan of beck for longer than anyone else i know. sure, i dug 'loser' when it was out, but i confess it took me about 15 years for me to 'come around' and realize his genius. in other words, i've just recently gotten 'into' him totally. i love the new album, and almost everything else of his i've managed to dig up. and hey, i just saw him on the cover of a magazine while i was out for cigs this afternoon! i've discovered that almost all his stuff is innovative, funky, and sincere. i know 'epro' is an older track, but i love it. its dreamlike. i love the video, too. so here it is lovers... turn it up, its beck!

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Yes! This song is in rotation on my iPod at all times. Beck is beautiful. I don't even mind that he is fully Sci-ti. He is a timeless angel.