Tuesday, December 23, 2008


okay, i've got another horserace for you guys. first of all, let me say that i once owned a glossy, well-produced 'fan book' back in 'the day' with this exact picture on it. on the cover, i mean. i'm pretty sure it was japanese. all the best duran fan books were japanese. anyway, if i remember correctly, this book more or less focused on stills and shots taken while the band were on location 'in-and-around' the tropics, fliming videos like 'save a prayer' and 'hungry like the wolf.' but man, do they look depressed here or what? yeah, i know they were probably hot and tired, but you'd think maybe they could work up at least one sincere 'pose' for the cameras. then again, this shot was probably only one in a hundred that were taken that day. okay, before i even make my 'horserace' desicion, i need to point out something i've always noticed, like since 1984. namely, dig roger's crotch area. yeah, is it just me, or does it look like he's very purposefully positioned his 'junk' on the end of that bannister, like he's full-out 'displaying' it? i mean, its resting right on there like its taking a break, you know? oddly, for some reason i don't think roger taylor is 'randy' and-or 'scandalous' enough to be thinking, '....hey, i'm gonna give the little girls at home a thrill, by drawing some serious attention to my Birmingham swag.' i don't think roger is mentally capable of being that calculated. that being said... the official winner of the horse race... hmmm, i'm gonna have to give it to simon le bon. sure, he looks like, super-bored, but other than that, very nice. only, i don't know how somebody can wear a blazer over bare skin, but hey... it was 'miami vice' era, and we are talking about simon le bon. (as if that makes any sense.) dig it.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Simon is wearing a CROPPED blazer over skin. So awesome.