Thursday, December 25, 2008

my newest book

here's a photograph i took of my latest book. i just christened it a couple of days ago. forgive the lopsided-ness. it didn't scan it, i just took a picture of it. not bad... but that accounts for the skewered slant. the model is, of course, the legendary and self-proclaimed 'punk rock warlord,' mr. joe strummer, from his 'clash' days. he's lovely. i was lucky enough to find i already had the name 'john' printed out, which was joe's real first name. the ribbon of color underneath him is made up of shots of military helicopters, a purple galaxy, soldiers in battle, helen mirren, and a tiny rock poster for 'jefferson airplane.' i chose that array of shots for several reasons; the most valid of which was the color of each one. content-and-or-context was secondary. i added some prismatic stickers, glued on the title, and there you are. it probably enlarges real big... my camera works better than i thought, considering i just propped the book up on my phone, which i keep on the floor, and just took one snap. soon it will be full, full of black inkstrokes and truly great, great literature.

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