Tuesday, December 23, 2008


yes, i was lucky enough to get a christmas present early. this morning my family came in with a four-legged furry surprise. i'm calling her joanna... somewhat after the sondheim song, (from sweeney todd) and also as a female-fied tribute to my latest crush, joe strummer. my friend linda suggested i could call her 'strumbelina,' and i kind of liked that too, so i guess her official full name is joanna strumbelina. she's been shy, which is to be expected. for all she knows, she got kidnapped today. she goes wild for catnip, like those weird drugged cats in that video. she's lovely. in this picture, she's snoozing on my bed. she did her fair share of shyly hiding under the bed, but so far, that's the most annoying thing she's done. i wanted a cat, but i didn't expect to get one. this is the only shot i've gotten of her so far. hopefully, we'll get along like, long-term. but i'm tired, from setting her up and settling her in all day. so this might be the only thing i post. i love you all.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

oh my God!!!! YAY!!!! She is beautiful! What a sweet family you have up there. God bless us everyone.