Friday, December 26, 2008

joe is tired

and i know how he feels. i mean, i only did a tiny fraction of what most people did over the holidays, and i feel pretty wiped out. like, i did zero driving, maybe wrapped two things, had one dinner, and still... i'm glad to have a normal week coming up. i'm sleepy, so this might be the only thing i post tonight. i'm leaving the planet in the capable hands of joe strummer. which is really only a flimsy excuse to post this real hot picture of joe on a tour bus or something. my cat's been great... she's starting to exhibit her own groovy personality. like she digs being spun around in my swiveling desk chair, and she thinks its cool to walk over my journal-while-i'm-writing to get my human attention. she's meowing more, so i guess that means she's getting comfortable with me. (mmm, somewhere joe strummer's ghost is like, '...hey, i thought this post was supposed to be about me...!') so, i'm gonna mess around in the videos for a while, then i'm gonna try to get some quality sleep for my mind. love you all.

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