Wednesday, December 24, 2008

pretty pink princess pumpkin bed

umm, i don't know where to begin. i have mixed feelings on this one. i was just googling around for bedroom interiors and ran across this. i went in for a closer look, and i sort of had two sets of eyes... my 8 year-old 'girlchild' eyes, who would have shamelessly absolutely loved to share a bed just like this with my twin. no question about it; i would have loved it. i can just imagine the giddy princess dreams and fantasies i would've kept in my head, every single sappy sugary night. then, there was my cynical 36 year old set of worldly eyes... the eyes whose first thought was; ', just how rich are these people...??' so i did a little more digging. this pumpkin bed is made by a company called 'poshtots,' and it sells for... (are you ready? are you ready for this...?) ahem... it sells for $47,000 dollars. yes, that's forty-seven thousand dollars. perhaps i shouldn't be so stunned by that. but i know i took my glasses off and looked real close at the screen... blinked real good twice, and looked again. yes, 47,000 dollars for your precious princess to freak out over for a relatively short time; 47,000 dollars to make all her little friends jealous, for a short time... afterwhich time, inevitably, there will come a time when it's just... her bed. the bed she doesn't wanna get into because 'wizard of oz' is on at 10:00 pm. (ahh, who am i kidding? i could almost personally guarantee any girl who has this 47,000 dollar bed probably has a dvd copy of 'the wizard of oz' in the house.) its pretty, though. (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

That enchanted bed sprinkles fairy dust on you every night as you sleep, turning you into the fairest little magical asshole in all of the land!