Tuesday, March 10, 2009

lush liz

i was looking around on the seabeds for hot pictures of liz taylor last night... specifically looking for pictures of her like, late 60's-burton era... annnd i'm not sure why, but it seems like that entire part of her life is the time period apparently least depicted. like, i found lots of shots directly before it, and lots of stuff after, but not all that much from like, '64 to 1977. shots of her start being plentiful again about the time she was on like, ...was it 'general hospital' she was on? i know she was on some tv show around then. ...was it 'dynasty?' anyway, last night i found this sexy 1960's shot of her with the cool 60's headband flip-do. i think it was around the same time she and marlon brando made that ...er, classic? 'reflections in a golden eye.' i think she looks wild and amazing in that one. she looked smokin' hot in pretty much anything she did around the time she was with richard burton, if you want my opinion. i wish the photo quality was a little bit better, but like i said, there wasn't a hell of a lot to choose from. i'm still hunting for stuff, and will hopefully have more later in the week.

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