Saturday, May 23, 2009

happy late birthday morrissey

yes, it sounds like he could write a song about it; the melancholy fact that i'm a day late wishing the glorious morrissey happy birthday. yes, the iconic master of introspective pop, steven patrick morrissey turned 50 years old on the 22nd of may. wow, he looks damn sexy-fantastic for the 'big 5-0.' i hope he had lots of fun, lots of healthy, meat-free vegetarian foods, lots of love from his adoring fans, and lots of 'celibate-no-more' tender and powerfully erotic sex with the um, ...person of his choice. yes, i just found this shot... and apparently it was taken like, just a few days ago. i love how you can see his hands in this picture, and his chest-beneath-the-shirt. i've loved morrissey since like, 1986...? (maybe longer ago, its hard to remember.) i know i got the smiths 'meat is murder' album for christmas like, the year it came out. and he's still making superior music today. so happy (late) 50th birthday, morrissey. i still love you... i think i always have, and i know i always will. kisses, whether you like it or not. (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

yes I'm mad commentin' on all your entries, but, 50 is such a great age for men isn't it? It's not fair. Some men just start to look even more gorgeous once they hit the big 5 0. Morrissey typifies this.