Saturday, October 24, 2009

the game

okay, jean-lucien sent me this earlier today. its apparently a board game, somewhat-kinda-sorta-based on duran duran...!?! now, i just wanna say up front, that i didn't know any duran fans crazier than WE were, 'back in the day,' and we here at planetcool have absolutely NO MEMORY of there ever being a professional, real board game based on the band-on-tour. like, it was put out by Milton-Bradley! you can't get any more legit than that. i can't imagine it being any fun. (well, i have to admit, i don't really enjoy board games in the first place.) unfortunately, this is as large as the original image gets... so i can't tell you how sorry i am that i can't blow it up and read the directions. like, in that last shot... look at all that small print! how damn complicated is this game? i would KILL to read that stuff. like, you know its gotta mention their names. like, for instance: '...if you recieve a Simon card, advance two spaces.' or like, '...the Nick card allows you an extra dice roll.' and man, if you think that looks like a lot of directions, there are like, a ga-zillion game pieces. (let me try to see if i can upload all four of the shots jean-lucien sent me.) yeah, there... look at all that crap!! man, i'd love to read what's on all those little cards. does it mention like, 'getting torn apart by fans,' so you have to go back four spaces, or what? i can just see like, 'john' pieces being eaten up by the spitty family dog. or 'andy' pieces being stolen by the weird girl down the street who loved andy. like, does it mention their songs? man, the curiosity is killing me. i looked it up earlier, and it seems some people are selling theirs, but hey... i don't want it THAT bad. just makes me wonder what ELSE is out there that i never knew about.