Friday, October 23, 2009

happy birthday franz liszt

ahhh, who the hell am i kidding? i'm not the biggest fan of franz liszt. this is just a shameless opportunity for me to promote the genius of ken russell... once again. ken's outlandish view of some of liszt's life is required viewing, seriously. even by today's wild standards, 'lisztomania' can make jaws drop. its over the top, even when its 'in the gutter.' anyone who's ever seen the rapturous 'giant phallus' musical number has almost certainly never forgotten it. it boasts nazi frankensteins, a bevy of topless and nude females, piano toruture, ass sculptures in the wall that 'really fart' on you, an oliver reed cameo, a nell campbell cameo, a ringo starr cameo... huge fake cocks, guillotines for said fake cocks, matches struck off the glans of said fake cocks, maypole dances winding ribbons around said fake cocks, five or six topless girls riding on said fake cocks, hey... just a lot of 'fake cock' action going on. and there's also like, voodoo dolls, charlie chaplin impressions, kenneth colley, and... did i mention huge fake cocks? seriously, its a movie that HAS to be seen. ken russell shot a good deal of his 'freak load' with that one. and, as usual, i thank him for it. so... um, to the point... i guess i should mention that franz liszt would've been 198 years old today. i wonder what HE would've thought about some scouse rockin' longhair (roger daltrey) playing him, wearing a purple ladies' gown, riding atop a massive, huge, fake cock? (its a pretty darn good prop by the way... the fake cock.)

1 comment:

jean-lucien said...

you forgot to mention six foot high red satin panties, imogen claire as george sand, paul nicholas in a sailor suit, paul nicholas growing fangs, foreplay in time with a metronome, georgina hale in an opera box, and that gold robot guy. hmmmm, there has to be more