Saturday, October 24, 2009


it just came to my attention earlier this evening that morrissey collapsed and went unconscious last night during a show in Swindon, UK. he was reportedly unresponsive as members of his band pulled him off stage. the last i heard, he was awake, alert, and in an English hospital... apparently it was a case of 'exhaustion.' i can hardly be surprised. the man is 50 years old, and although he only eats vegetables and is in excellent health, he does work very hard. he's almost always on the road, playing live... or on a television show, or at a rock festival somewhere, or he's recording, or doing press-related stuff. so i just wanted to say that i love him, and i hope he's feeling better soon. maybe he needs to get laid and eat a steak-for-the-protein. i wanted to post a picture of him, so here's the most recent one i could find. like, its from this month, i think. he looks great. sexy-and-great. hey, morrissey... don't work so hard, okay? (i know, easier said than done.) sincerely, i hope you're back on stage soon. because i know you love to do it. peace.

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