Saturday, October 24, 2009

lennon listenin'

umm, okay... you know i love john lennon. that being said, i think this screen capture is hilarious. like, i assume it was taken from the video for the 'still-excellent-by-today's-standards' hit single 'nobody told me,' from like, 1981. (or thereabouts.) i mean, its obviously from his new york city days. and i gotta say i lovvve the way john looks 'rockin'' that military outfit. i seem to remember the cool mrs. ono-lennon also had her own military mini-shorts outfit, too. but... this shot is like, '...okay, john's effing around again...' he's like, listening to the 'heartbeat of the street,' i guess. i realize that 'good ideas' are harder to come up with than some might think when you've got a loaded camera rolling on you. and when the record company's clamoring for their video, you've gotta get something out, fast... even if you ARE john lennon. that being said, i have one question: where did the stethiscope come from? did he like, leave the apartment with it that morning? how could he have known that far in advance that he was gonna do a 'listening to the street' gag? or was he out filming, and got the idea, and somehow made his way to a medical supply store? or did he see somebody at random, maybe in the park? some crazy person with stethiscope, maybe....? and was he like, '...hey crazy person, could i buy that stethiscope off you for ten quid so i can 'listen' to the street for a sight gag?' but in closing, you know i love john lennon. and this video. and the song.

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