Saturday, December 5, 2009

happy birthday walt disney

okay, first of all, in my defense, i want to say that i'm only paying tribute to walt disney because i kind of HAVE to... as an American girl who grew up in the 1970's and '8o's, my childhood was greatly influenced by the work of this odd man. in fact, the first movie jean-luc and i saw in the theater was the one depicted here; 'snow white and the seven dwarves.' (dwarfs?) i remember there was a big poster or standee in the lobby. i also remember it was before either one of us had glasses... so there's almost no doubt what we saw illuminated huge on that screen was considerably distorted. i remember being scared in a good way. but, in retrospect, i don't think it was anything on the screen that freaked me out... i think i was afraid and awed when i realized the Power of the Screen in general. it was the glimmering scarlet and black 'first kiss' of a lifelong love affair. i also remember that my mother and younger sister were not with us. it was just jean-lucien, my late step-father, and myself. HE made sure we saw 'snow white.' and for that, i thank him. (well, i realize it might not have been his idea, but he physically made sure we were there.) so um, thanks, walt disney... for all your insanity. some of it was, and still IS, truly lovely. had he lived, he would've been 108 on the 5th.

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