Tuesday, December 1, 2009

umm, i don't dare

okay i know its been a real long time since i posted anything over here. so hey, bear with me whilst i try to jump back on this dark horse that rides through the night sky, dazzling all witnesses with its coolness. i guess this is as good a place to jump back on as any. hey, i love movie posters, and this is a real sweet one. now, i know cher has been a huge star for a long, long time... but i can't find anyone who's ever seen this movie. and the poster is a scream. first of all, maybe its the way this poster was once folded, but i don't seem to remember cher's boobs ever being that big. and, speaking of 'flat,' what about that award-winning expression on her face. she doesn't look very alluring, or afraid, or even all that tough. and hey, how about that high quality pencil-type drawing of a truck pulling away in the background? i'm surprised there aren't even like, 'chug-chug' puff-puff exhaust clouds coming out of the tailpipe. if anyone has ever seen this little bit of cinema gold, i would LOVE to hear the review.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

When I worked at King of the Hill, this poster hung on the wall in the writer's room. I had a flash flood of memories when I spied it on here on planetcool.