Tuesday, December 1, 2009

red and ragged

alright, this one's gonna be short and sweet. here we have the 'important' three duran's in their early days headlining in Birmingham's 'Rum Runner.' okay, first, let's get the horserace out of the way. and, from where I sit, its an easy one. john. mr. nigel john taylor wins this one pretty handily. simon looks very 'don't talk to me, i'm 'in between looks.' and nick seems to be saying, 'don't look at me, this is the worst look i'll probably ever have.' john looks a little vacant and pale, but doesn't seem to be ashamed of his look. in the interest in full disclosure, i admit i cut roger and andy completely out of the picture. because, let's face it, they were never really in the running to begin with. in closing, i would like to point out that they're all sitting at a big giant mirror. umm, all the better to 'chop chop' that white powder on, no doubt.


lucynell2 said...

That coffee table was made for cocaine.

jean-lucien said...

man, im just astounded that i keep seeing pictures of them ive never seen before.
this one is great, the rum runner era is soooo "rock innocence", they had no idea what they were in for.

actually, i take that back, i think they did. (simon and nick especially)

mmmm, this is the most boring post of all time.