Saturday, December 5, 2009


jean-lucien (artistic genius) has made it clear to me that he would be happy for me to post more of his glorious work. he created this one a little while ago... and, what can i say? like all of his stuff, it is glorious. breathtaking in the use of color, spellbinding in its composition. truly, he is my favorite visual artist. this swooping visual sermon consists of a spinning half-naked nun, (from ken russell's masterpiece, 'the devils') and the underrated anthony perkins from ken russell's underrated underground hit 'crimes of passion.' it has a 'stormy sky' sense to it that i positively love. and i am so glad that the scanning technology is keen enough to reveal, in places, his delicate and careful scissor cuts. remember, all the assembly is done by hand. computers only come into play in the scanning and posting process. wow, i could gaze at his work for hours. sometimes i can't believe how lovely and lush it is. so please, dig on it hard, and know that its all for The Cause. (click to enlarge)

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