Tuesday, December 1, 2009

take a step that is green...

wow, this one hardly needs any comment, does it? i think most of the 'planetcoolers' are also 'three's company' fans. and when i say 'fan,' i mean, even as much as i love the show, i'm the first one to call 'cheesy' on the show when it gets, well... cheesy. which, let's face it, was (is?) pretty darned often. awww, sweet john ritter. how we miss him. what a knockout smile. i think this shot is pretty funny because, among other things, it stresses the 'chef ' aspect of jack's character. i also think its pretty 'sex'-ploitative, what with the girls leaning over with their mouths wide open like they're gonna give some hot california 'f'llatio.' i wonder how late this tv guide-style photo shoot lasted? probably quite a while.... which means most of that 'food' and 'vegetables' were probably fake. and we all know that green backdrop is just a sheet. i like the way 'chrissie' looks bored, with her hand on her hip and her eyes wandering. and there's like, salad oil and peppermills hanging on. man, i love that show. can you get the whole series on dvd yet? does anyone know? the best. (oh, and i think its also worth mentioning that suzanne's tummy-curve is visible in her black jeans. knowing these days, a sex symbol as famous as suzanne was then, would have her little tummy shape airbrushed out without fail. sigh... ) anyway, dig it!


jean-lucien said...

hey, for an obscure movie kick:
IMDB suzanne somers and DONALD SUTHERLAND in "Nothing Personal"(?)
whooooah, i'll bet its right up there with "Wanted: The Sundance Woman".

lucynell2 said...

What was that movie with Burt Reynolds? "The Man Who Loved Women" For some reason Jean-lucien's comment made me think of that. It ran all the time on HBO when I was a kid. Now you never see it anywhere anymore. There are so many movies from that era that are never re-shown for some reason.