Sunday, March 2, 2008


when something is banned, i sit up and take notice. you may have heard of director elia kazan in reference to his supposed standard-setting masterpiece 'on the waterfront,' but the lustier folks know his harder mark was made by the scandalous and steamy 'babydoll.' it was condemned by the 'legion of decency,' and even now, one could see why. its hot and cruel and tragic and has all the elements of southern-fried Shakespeare. it stars the underrated Karl Malden, the sinister and slithering Eli Wallach, and the powder-soft giggling lust of miss Carroll Baker in the title role. She was nominated for an Oscar for the part of Babydoll Carson McCorkle, and should have won. It is a devastating, horny entertainment. Pricking, even frightening...but nonetheless, required viewing. Dig it.

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