Friday, March 7, 2008


tonight's featured smoker is ian holm. i'm tired, so hopefully it will be enough to say that i don't remember what play he was rehearsing, but i couldn't wait to post this lusty, hazy shot of this (mostly) welsh gentleman, smoking in some unknown room, going through some unknown lines, wondering about god-knows-what. perhaps he was worried about keeping the heat on at his flat. perhaps he was comtemplating how he could best get away with making one of the wardrobe mistresses. perhaps he was only thinking of how he could craft his role to get the lion's share of the applause. i don't know. all i know is i've never seen a face like that of ian holm. and i wonder aimlessly and endlessly about the infinite variations of his preferences and habits. hey, maybe he loves scooby-doo, what do i know?

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