Sunday, March 2, 2008

kid genius

andy partridge, ladies and gentlemen. a monster of talent. pastoral and savage. finely tuned and completely unstrung. as frightened as he is fearless. having written some of the finest and most complicated pop in the last 25 years, his legend status is undeniable. intelligent and blunt, poetic and obscene, holy and blasphemous at once. his chivalrous heart pounds with rebellious hot blood. a man to hand you daisies on the business end of a bayonet. he writes one hell of a song. his best are too many to list here. but a shortcut to any non-believers is the monumental 'towers of london' from 'black sea.' he plays the harmonica with all the lust and heedless zeal of a prom date in the backseat. and as if all that weren't enough... he's cute.

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