Friday, April 25, 2008

get up

here's a fast shot of ian holm as mr. kurtzmann in the 1984 classic terry gilliam film 'brazil.' honestly, i think mr. kurtzmann is a blameless cog in the ministry's machinery. i don't think for one moment he has any higher knowledge of the company's agenda beyond just the daily running his office. even before i fell in love with ian, i saw this film, and envied mr. kurtzmann. he knew nothing, and therefore, was afforded the bliss only sweeping ignorance could afford. sometimes i wish i didn't know and-or understand so much. even when i was 13 or so years old, i remember liking the seemingly timid and somewhat inept mr. kurtzmann. even then, i felt great affection for the small fretting businessman, just trying to do his best and play by the rules. is there honor in that? god, i hope so.

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