Wednesday, April 23, 2008

seven thirty-five

often the coolest examples of notebook art are made of very few, sometimes even two, cunningly juxtaposed cuttings. i think this one contains only three. i think the clock and the hazy image of the girl are both from the de palma film 'dressed to kill,' and the sneering handsome face in the middle is morrissey. to give you an idea of the original scale, i traced the morrissey circle from the cap to an elmer's glue stick. then i cut it out using bandage scissors. i love it. its got a real cool, late-night, FM, pillowish feeling to it. i added the pink word after i scanned it and cleaned it up a little. very groovy. the green scheme oddly prods certain lobes of my brain to recall the taste of nyquil and the scent of vicks. which is actually pretty comforting.

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