Tuesday, April 22, 2008

like a shiny toy

here's a screen shot i got from one of my all-time favorite films, 'victor-victoria.' it is, of course, the great miss lesley-ann warren in her matchless portrayal of blonde trohpy girlfriend 'norma cassidy.' man, when i think about the character of norma, i'm almost at a loss for words. her entrance as a character is perfectly timed. her perfomance perfectly tuned to be jusst over-the-top enough without becoming unbelievable or even overly-annoying. you may hate norma, but you still can't help but love her. hey, she's horny! the spiteful tirade she spews as alex karras puts her on the train is brilliant. every scene she's in, she shamelessly steals. i also love her in 'clue,' but its the 'chicago, illinois' number that really gives her the spotlight. she's the best.

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